A picture of Vanessa Schaeffer, the Gainesville Psychologist.
Hello! I'm Dr.Vanessa Schaeffer.

I am a Licensed Clinical Psychologist specializing in working with older adults and the people who love and care for them.

If you are struggling to establish any of these healthy habits, please reach out for a consultation session. I can help you set and achieve your goals.

"Not what we have, but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance."


The Gift of Today

Hello, Dear Reader, 

My mom used to say, “ordinary day, what a blessing you are”.  I’ve been thinking about the value of a day.  Just a regular day.  24 hours.  There are so many things that we can choose to focus on in each day.  I’m working on noticing the gifts that the day offers.  I’m looking for the average, but wonderful things; the routine, but beautiful moments.  They are everywhere.  

Maybe it’s the first sip of coffee or tea in the morning, when the world still feels gentle. Or the sound of a bird singing outside your window, a reminder that life hums along in its steady rhythm. Unexpectedly hearing a song you love.  

Perhaps it’s the way sunlight filters through the curtains, warming a corner of the room, or the soft satisfaction of checking one small thing off your to-do list. These are not extraordinary events, but they are rich in meaning when we take a moment to notice them. 

As we age, there’s a profound clarity that comes with knowing there are fewer days ahead of us than behind us. A sobering thought, yes, but one that can help us stay focused on what matters most. That awareness sharpens the value of each day, making it all the more precious. Every moment becomes an opportunity—a chance to savor, reflect, and connect. 

The beauty of an ordinary day is how it invites us to slow down and be present. When we allow ourselves to notice these small, quiet moments, they can fill us with a sense of peace and gratitude. We might even feel a greater sense of abundance.  

Take a moment to reflect: What made today worthwhile for you? Was it the kindness of a neighbor? A laugh shared with a friend? Or perhaps just the way the air felt as you stepped outside?  Did you get some much needed rest, did you cross something off the to-do list? 

Each of these moments, no matter how small, is a thread in the fabric of your life. When we pause to notice them, they remind us that even the most ordinary days hold rewards worth cherishing. The value of each day isn’t in doing everything. It’s in finding something.  

So, as you move through today, keep your heart open to its gifts. You might find them in places you least expect—in the softness of a breeze, the rhythm of a familiar routine, or the simple joy of being present in this moment.  Don’t forget that you might be the gift in someone else’s day, just by being there.   

Here’s my challenge to you:  Find at least one thing today that makes you think, “Well, that was worth it.” Write it down. Or don’t. Either way, that moment becomes a gem you can tuck into the treasure chest of your life. 

When we truly see each day as the treasure it is, we give it the honor it deserves—and we honor ourselves in the process.  Tomorrow is not promised -not to anyone – but right now, we have today.  How will you choose to view this day?   

May you find moments of blessing.  Wishing you peace, gratitude, and the quiet joy of noticing.